Arsip Harian: Februari 20, 2016

One Lovely Blog Award



Mbak Inong nominated me for the One Lovely Blog Award, big thanks and much appreciation to Mbak Inong for this awesome gift, for those of you wanna know mbak Inong close up, u can check her blog here. She is a woman has a dream to live and work in Japan, you should absolutely check out her blogs 😉

Now, here are the rules for this award : 

  1. Thank the person nominating you and link back to them in your post
  2. list the rules and display the award
  3. List seven facts about yourself
  4. Nominate 15 bloggers for this award and notify them that they have been nominated.

So here are my 7 things : 

  1. I am 27 years old and i had one and the only one lovely husband
  2. I think laughter is the best medicine
  3. My job right now is being a lovable wife to the amazing Romanian husband 😛
  4. I can’t cook very well but my husband said my food is delicious! (i know his saying that just to make me happy because if he told me the truth then i will not cook for him again) 😛
  5. I spent my childhood in Makassar (South Sulawesi) because of my parents work, then back to Ternate (North Moluccas) when i was 11 years old
  6. When i was 17 years old i moved to Yogyakarta to continue studying at University there
  7. I really like all the rural areas in Romania and i really wanted to stay there but i am afraid of the cold weather 

I nominate you all to participate in this award! Have a good weekend and happy blogging everyone!